

Provost's Kenan Senior Faculty Research and Scholarly Leave Award

IIT Kanpur Young Alumnus Award

Bloomberg Data Science PhD Fellowship: Jaemin Cho

Keynote Speaker, CoNLL

Keynote Speaker, AACL


Keynote Speaker, INLG

CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award 2023: Zineng Tang

Google NLP PhD Fellowship: Swarnadeep Saha

Apple AI/ML PhD Fellowship: Yichen Jiang


Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (ECASE), Army Research Office

Bloomberg PhD Fellowship: Shiyue Zhang

CoNLL 2021 Best Paper Runner-Up Award

Google PhD Fellowship: Peter Hase

NSF funding for our ENGAGE NSF-AI Institute

CVPR 2021 Best Student Paper Honorable Mention

EACL Best Long Paper Award Honorable Mention

Adobe Research Fellowship: Jie Lei


UNC Phillip & Ruth Hettleman Prize for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement

IJCAI Early Career Spotlight (previous years: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)

John R. & Louise S. Parker Faculty Fellow (Named Asst. Professorship)


Amazon Machine Learning Research Award

DARPA Director's Fellowship

Microsoft Investigator Fellowship (MSR blog post)

CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award: Sweta Karlekar (Runner-Up), Han Guo (Finalist), (link)


Google Focused Research Award

ACL Best Short Paper Nomination

Royster Society PhD Fellowship: Peter Hase

Bloomberg Data Science Ph.D. Fellowship: Hao Tan

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship: Ramakanth Pasunuru

Facebook PhD Fellowship Finalist: Ramakanth Pasunuru

NSF PhD Fellowship: Darryl Hannan


Salesforce Research Deep Learning Grant

Facebook Faculty Research Award

IBM Faculty Award

Army Research Office Young Investigator Award (ARO-YIP)

COLING 'Area Chair Favorites' Paper Award

Adobe Faculty Research Award

Verisk AI Faculty Research Award

NSF PhD Fellowship: Lisa Bauer

CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award Honorable Mention: Han Guo


DARPA Young Faculty Award (DARPA-YFA)

Facebook ParlAI Faculty Research Award

ACL Outstanding Paper Award


Google Faculty Research Award

Best Paper Award, ACL Representation Learning for NLP Workshop

Bloomberg Data Science Research Grant